Fantasy Adventure! Part 1
"Why did i do it?!?." "i don't know where i am anymore one minute ago i was in Mrs Washington's class but now i have no idea where i am.
Let me explain myself well it started... on a sunny Friday in Straitville the point of its name is because all of the streets our strait and its the mayors name.Anyhow as i Matilda Joseph skipped to school it wasn't the same.
there was a crowd (about 20 people.) When i got over there someone had spray-painted in big bold letters: THIS SCHOOL SUCKS. Ring! the bell went as i was on my way to class i saw something golden in the river so i ran over to check it out. i got it out of the river "oh its just one of those plastic lamps, what next a fake jeanie comes out." (i didn't believe in magic) Suddenly a Jeanie came out and yelled "you calling me plastic."Then i replied "me, no" After that he just explained fine you have three wishes and you have until sun down. next i hurred into class. For the whole day we were learning about greek gods:Selene (Godess of the moon) Zues (God of gods and lighting) Iris (godess of the rainbow) posioden (god of the sea) Hades (god of the underworld) Demeter (godess of harvest and grain) and more.RING the lunch time bell went ; i spent my whole lunch time in the libary. As i went back into the class i said "i wish i was a greek god..." But the Jeanie was still there!!!
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